Boxing Day At Foxwoods Casino

Just look at it… so majestic.

If Santa is reading, I want crystal stuff to play with every year. I got lots of really great gifts this year, Kimmy outdid herself and got both of us DNA tests from to find our racial history so we’ve sent that off and that should be fun. Also I have this thing where I feel a bit sorry for lobsters because they get boiled alive and scream and so I don’t ever want to eat them, and I feel sad to see them cooped up in those tanks so Kim adopted two lobsters for me because I’m a bit mad. I got a ton of other fun stuff too as you can see.

Americans don’t really have a Boxing Day like we do in England so everything is still open. We got bagels for breakfast at Rein’s Deli, it’s a Jewish business and let me tell you they had some really cool food there. I don’t know many Jewish people because in England only 0.5% of people are Jewish (apparently), but if this is how they eat then when I emigrate I’m going recruiting for a Jewish food buddy.

After that we drove to Foxwood’s Casino, in America they have Indian Reservations which is land that Native Americans own, they often pay less tax and the laws on gambling can differ, making them a great place to have a casino. The one we went to had a spa so Kim, and our mums went to that whilst her Dad did some light gambling on the slot machines where he won enough for our dinner!

So that was good.

And then it was time for bingo, American style where we won a big fat nothing… the curse prevails.

Bingo is a lot more complicated in the USA, the sheets are larger and you need to find different patterns on the sheets instead of lines such as a wild crazy pyramid… whatever that is! So no big wins but still a good day.


May Days

Happy Sunday readers, I am currently living in mad visa hell and haven’t been up to a whole bunch. It was little Barclay heart head’s 8th birthday. As he gets older I have been investigating cloning options for him and thinking of starting a go fund me page to raise the thousands. I’m holding out he’ll live well into his 20s.

Some work mates and I had a bingo outing a couple weeks ago, and as is my usual bingo style I cursed us all and no one won anything. Obviously.

But I did enjoy some very reasonably priced carrot cake… so that’s a bonus.

My boss had a big party last week for her 50th which was good fun although I think lots of my colleagues felt like this afterwards…

Tasha and I needed a big breakfast the next day.

And then a couple days ago a few uni friends and I went to the spa at Dunston Hall (A stately looking manor place turned hotel) because I found a Groupon voucher (I love a bargain) so that was very nice and we had some lunch together after our fingers had turned pruney.

Kim has sent off the USA visa (we gave up on the expensive UK one as we would have to move to the USA eventually because of Kim’s mammoth student loan) so that will take a long old time. I’m thinking of switching from my lovely permanent job (sob) to a temping agency style job so I can visit a lot whilst we wait. We shall see…

New Years Eve

As previously mentioned I hate clubbing with a passion, especially on New Years Eve, the most expensive over hyped night of the year. None of my friends were having parties; I certainly couldn’t be bothered to have a party and so the boyfriend and I lived the high life…. at bingo with his family. Yes, yes, we’re that cool – but it was actually very funny.
This is my lovely bingo diary I got free, jealous? Hell yeah you are
We didn’t win but it was still lots of fun and we had some food (which always seems freakishly cheap to me, it’s very nice and they do 2 meals for £6.99 and a few meals for a pound!). I decided I would forego a proper meal and just have a dessert.
Then we went home to watch the London fireworks on TV, god knows how much they must have spent on them, no wonder England is poor. I hope you all enjoyed your New Year.


Last night I tried my hand at Mecca bingo with the boyfriend’s mum and sister… I wasn’t expecting much but I was very pleasantly surprised – it was AWESOME
Was it old biddified? A little bit, but it was so strange! Like a different world. You got in and I was new so I joined up but its free to join so that was ok and I got a free marker to tick off my bingo numbers (score!) and you got a little book that lasts you all night for each game. We had a little time between when we got there and the first game so we got some food. It is super cheap and super nice food.
My tuna melt baguette with chips cost me the princely sum of £2.79 however when you join you get a £2 voucher off your first meal and so twas only 79p! Get in! Then it was time to get our game awwnnn.
As I said you get these little books and work through them for each page (see above, one page) you need to get one line, then the next game is two lines, then the next is a full house, then you turn over to the next page. Sadly I won zilch but it was very funny. Some of the old biddies had upped their game by scrapping their bingo books and markers for lcd touch screen bingo machines! And the machine tells you when you win! Must take all the fun out of it.
It was quite amusing how seriously everyone takes it though, when a game starts everyone has to be quiet and the numbers are called pretty fast and then as soon as the breaks in between come you can talk again. The boyfriend’s sister said that once someone collapsed and they just carried on with the bingo game haha!
Apparently the air conditioning wasn’t working (although it didn’t seem hot to me) so the manager gave a free ice lolly to everyone (yayz) and then, in the bathroom they had helpful pamphlets about gambling addictions and so a jovial night was had by all.
Am I going again? Hell yeah!