Do You Stocking?

Now that Christmas has passed for another year, I can pose a question – do you do stockings? My family have always done stockings and now the boyfriend and I do stockings for each other too. We have developed rules over the years, the stockings must contain: an orange (may be chocolate), nuts, chocolate coins, and each item cannot cost more than £10.
This is the stocking I did for the boyfriend, I find men hard to buy for, I just don’t think there is as much for them in the shops as there are for women. The big win here was the yo-yo which he messed around with for ages.
And I did my Mum a stocking this year too, I found her really easy to buy for, I kept seeing things and thinking oh yes she’d like that and having to stop myself from buying too much! Got lots of her favourite make up brand samples (more were added too after this photo) from eBay and a make up counter.
But always the same feeling after doing a stocking, what on earth do I put in next year? I used to have a lovely stocking for myself with a skiing Santa but unfortunately I forgot it and left it at my Dad’s house when I moved, it’s probably been chucked away by now 😦 ho hum!

Christmas Day

Christmas Day is here again, and I got some really nice gifts.
Mr Pussycat is not enjoying his visit to my mums house because of her pussycats but he is enjoying the dining chairs.
My sister and I made turkey napkins whilst waiting for dinner today.
Mum won the movie quiz and the speed bingo, my sister and I won the next guess the celebrity game and then we watched old family movies and watched Toy Story 3.