Amsterdam Part 2

In addition to their love of toast, the Dutch also love triple decker sandwiches, Kim had major food envy at breakfast.

Also, Kim and I discovered a new drinks implement which we christened ‘the lemon masher’, whenever we had a bit of lemon in our drinks we got a masher to accompany it which I rather liked.

After breakfast we had a jaunt to the Van Gogh museum as Kim’s sister got us tickets for Christmas. Van Gogh is another word I can’t pronounce properly in Dutch without it sounding like I’m coughing/grunting.

They had some Monet at the museum too.

They had quite a bit about Van Gogh’s chaotic personal life too but the thing Kim and I found the most odd about Van Gogh was his self portraits. There were so many self portraits in there, all with different hats, the museum probably sold originals in the gift shop there were so many; the man was obsessed.

But I had a good time taking photos of things you weren’t supposed to because I can.

After this we took a trip to the Bloemenmarkt.

All the flowers were lovely even though it was February.

Unfortunately we couldn’t really buy any fresh flowers because we couldn’t take them home but I enjoyed looking.

The market had a lot of tat to browse which I enjoyed, lots of fake delft china to be had.

We got magnets and Christmas ornaments. Kim got a tulip pen for work, stylish.

Just across the bridge from the Bloemenmarkt is the Torture Museum which had lots of torture accessories and history.

It wasn’t very expensive so we had a quick look round. This is the chair of pointiness (this name may not be accurate).

Most of the female torture seemed to revolve around sexual assault whilst the male torture was a bit more creative.

If you’re an official torturer I think it’s just code for groper.

So that was illuminating. It was pretty chilly out still so it’s important to stay warm.

We had ourselves some Dutch pancakes for dinner.

And then we took a lovely trip to the orchestra as Kim got me tickets for our anniversary. Strangely enough all the introductions were in English (as far as I could tell we were the only English people in the whole place so I don’t know why) and the tickets came with free drinks which was really nice.

What A Nice Day… Kind Of

Today has been pretty nice, I woke up with no alarm clock involved (what a luxury to sleep until I naturally awaken!) browsed some of my favourite websites and blogs on my laptop in bed for a bit and then a knock at the door and some flowers arrived just because (errr yes Mr Postman, I am answering the front door in my fleecy pyjamas, what of it?).
How nice. And miniature chocolates – this is good – because of their small size I feel lees guilty eating them. I feel like with a box of chocolates you need to have a strategy eating them, I start with my least favourite and end with my most. You have to think these things through you know for the maximum enjoyment of said chocolates.
Then I had a spot of lunch and chatted to the girlfriend on the phone before going to the movies with friends to see the Grand Budapest Hotel… even though it came out over a year ago. I have no idea why it was still on but it was a bit strange. It was ok though. Then a few of us went to Nandos which is obviously always awesome.
Anyways then I got home and that’s where the nice day ebbed off, I got home to my horrible shared house of mouldy walls and perpetual coldness, had a few chores to do then because the landlord is coming round for yet another viewing tomorrow got told I could only use the kitchen if I kept it tidy… aha… yeeeeah. I’m rather glad I am at work tomorrow (not that I’m ever consulted for what day the landlord comes round…) because I sublet so on those days I have to pack the poor cat up and then the cat and I have to leave the property and pretend not to exist… awesome. Counting down the days to no more sharing and no more having to pretend I don’t exist for the intrusive visits that seem to take place every other bloody week lately. Joy.

I PASSED! (finally!)

I passed finally, yayyyyyy, with 4 minors. No more tests or lessons, although I’ll miss my patient long suffering driving instructor. Not that I could afford to insure and run a car but at least the actual licence part is out of the way now and I don’t have to worry about it.

I’ve been enjoying my time off. I bought some daffodils from the lovely farm shop at Notcutts (my favourite shop!), 4 bunches for £1.99 and they are just beautiful but they do not smell great… far too strong.

My mum and sister who stayed for Easter weekend have now gone home but they’ve left tasty goodies for the boyfriend and I. Yummmmm. I love being able to put my washing out on the line now.
And I had a nice walk out to see the horses and birds across the road. I know it’s cold out but at least its not wet.