Easter Time

 It’s the Easter Holidays from Uni, Yay! And I have been working hard not to eat this.

But Barclay got his gift of a box to play in early.

I haven’t done anything exciting during the holidays so far, just tried to work when I can to continue saving up for my non-existent car. Oh the joy of working. I’ve also had an annoying cold that’s left me really stuffed up and gross. I went to Aldi today which is near where I live and they were all out of lemsip and cold and flu capsules – so I guess everyone else has a cold too! They did, however, have tasty hot cross buns. Thank you Jesus.

You know I’ve grown to love Aldi. When I first moved I wasn’t convinced but I just love to browse their tat aisle, you know the middle one full of odd assortments? Pillows, garden hoses, plants, baking sets, books. All kinds of stuff. I do love tat browsing. Anyway, time for more coughing up my lungs!

Thetford Forest

They boyfriend and I decided we’d go out on Sunday to amuse ourselves and we decided to take a trip to High Lodge in Thetford Forest.
We packed up some rations (NB less healthy rations not pictured)
And off we set
It is just beautiful to walk round, when I was a kid my family was big on going out for a walk in nearby forests but I have to say the boyfriend’s family apparently was not because towards the end the air became punctuated with “my legs hurt” and much sighing.
We took the fir tree walk which was three miles which I think was a comfortable length for a leisurely amble but I wouldn’t have minded doing a little longer but there weren’t any maps along the route and my phone had no signal to look them up online. Maybe next time some forward planning is needed.
We looked into hiring bikes but it cost quite a lot really and the parking cost us £6.50 so I didn’t really want to pay any more on top of that.
Kitty was eager to join our picnic

Back To Uni After Easter

The first day back to uni has been and gone now after the Easter holidays and.. well it sucked actually. We were hanging about for 2 hours to begin with because there had been a mix up with the lecturers we were meant to have. The IT lab printers wouldn’t work, then I spilt tea down myself (clever). Then we all got one of our assignment marks back and I did dreadfully only I don’t understand the feedback I’ve been given at all and nor do my friends (ugh) and the person I need to speak to is on holiday (double ugh) and I can’t even look through the actual piece of work because (wouldn’t you know it?) my work has been chosen to go to the external moderators (triple ugh). So that’s really really frustrating.
I’m glad to be back home now, thank goodness.

I PASSED! (finally!)

I passed finally, yayyyyyy, with 4 minors. No more tests or lessons, although I’ll miss my patient long suffering driving instructor. Not that I could afford to insure and run a car but at least the actual licence part is out of the way now and I don’t have to worry about it.

I’ve been enjoying my time off. I bought some daffodils from the lovely farm shop at Notcutts (my favourite shop!), 4 bunches for £1.99 and they are just beautiful but they do not smell great… far too strong.

My mum and sister who stayed for Easter weekend have now gone home but they’ve left tasty goodies for the boyfriend and I. Yummmmm. I love being able to put my washing out on the line now.
And I had a nice walk out to see the horses and birds across the road. I know it’s cold out but at least its not wet.