
Some of you might know that I’m a partial to a bit of Banksy and although I did see the Sistine Chapel over the summer this year (not to mention a lot of other artwork around Rome) I still remain a lot more appreciative of Banksy.
So I thought I’d order his book off of Amazon and it’s rather good and not too expensive. About £8 with P&P.
Some of it is thoughtful
Some silly
But it is always delivered with a sense of humour

Catch Up

Well chums, I’ve been having a pleasant week (last week that was, this one’s just began). Got another assignment back, my essay, which I’ve passed so I’m really pleased about that, also passed my placement with a high mark so phew – just the portfolio to tweak.

Spring has finally sprung and I enjoyed a doggy viewing, Henry and his lovely lady have just got a new addition to the family (what a cutie!!) so me and my friend, also called Hayley, went round for a doggy viewing/pizza eating/kerplunk and cleudo playing night which was very fun.

Have been working 24 hours a week along side my studies this module as the timetable allows me to fit this in and had a really great shift Saturday and then Sunday the boyfriend and I took a trip to a car boot that I had never been to before we went grocery shopping. Well it was packed!! It was a little bit like a strange museum of the 80s and 90s, well worth a look round. The only things I bought though was a springy butterfly to go in the garden for the cat to play with, and food…. also for the cat. He is a spoilt little boy.

Then after that I went to M&S for a new top and met my lovely chum Kiran for coffee and a chat. The boyfriend ordered me a book (all those who know him will gasp as he is not a reader!) as a surprise but when it got delivered I realised it was to make fun of me! But I shall most definitely be reading it and the joke will be on you all when you see my kick ass shelter building, fire starting and zombie maiming… ok maybe not the last one.

The Casual Vacancy and Snow Drops

I got the last one on the UEA Campus today!!! I read a bit, it’s ok so far but it can’t ever be as good as Harry Potter can it… it’s about a small town where a Parish Councillor dies suddenly leaving a casual vacancy (as the title suggests).
And this one I’ve just finished, we got it free from university as a gift. It was good but I like books with a happy ending and this one didn’t really have that one. It’s set in Russia where an English lawyer has a really dull existence until he meets this girl and her sister and events turn from then on.