Christmas Day 2015

Joy to the world, it’s Christmas time, let’s open up the wine!

Well what a nice day we have had today, we started off with pan au chocolat (it’s on a salad plate so it’s ok).

Then we opened up some gifts, Barclay went crazy over cat nip drugs, this isn’t even the toy it’s the pack the toy came in! The real toy had to be confiscated. Bunny, Kim’s cat, was batting round her toy balls.

Netflix has a fireplace show with Christmas songs I thought was funny so we had a miniature fireplace whilst we opened gifts.

After we opened some of our gifts we had some bucks fizz and constructed a gingerbread house and called a couple people. Now just look at the photo on the box of how it should look.

Here’s my attempt on my half of the house…

And this was Kimberly’s attempt… looks like a drunk child iced it doesn’t it?

My half…

Oh dear… it was even worse when she was laughing.


And then we skyped with Kim’s family in America and opened the rest of our gifts. I got a lot of really nice gifts. The strangest of which was an umbrella hat from my friend Crissy. Crissy and I buy each other gag gifts, I bought her an inflatable crocodile for her pool (she moved to Australia) so she could be Steve Irwin and wrestle, she assumed she had bought this online whilst drunk and had no idea it was from me so for the last few days had been merrily playing on it in the pool.

Kim got some nice gifts too, including millions of socks from everyone including me, I don’t think she will need to buy socks again for some years. Santa bought Kim underwear… Kim was creeped out by the idea of a bearded old man that knew her size browsing the aisles for her delicates but Kim’s Mom assured her that Santa just knows what everyone needs.

And then it was time for a chicken dinner from Marks & Spencers for both us and the kitties.

 Also we watched the Queen’s speech which I had never seen before, I was disappointed with how religious it was. Like… we get it, you go to church Queen, stop going on about it. Oh god I’m still so full. No more food for now in case I pop.

Tea With Friends

I met one of my very dear friends for M&S tea today after a long trip to the dentist (chore), and it was just lovely to catch up and munch and drink my Earl Grey.
Also I deserved a sugary teeth rotting treat to have later on for going to the dentist so I got the boyfriend and I some Nerds. I haven’t seen them in forever.
Good times 🙂

Marks & Spencer Birthday Breakfast

I feel like I’ve done nothing but eat out lately! It was the boyfriends birthday yesterday so we decided to have breakfast out (that, and we ran out of bagels!). We took a trip to Marks and Sparks in Norwich for something tasty with the voucher my mum sent the boyfriend.
I haven’t eaten here since they had their refurbishment but it was very nice and we got to pick our seats which sounds silly but normally you just get dumped wherever the waitress can be bothered to walk to.
We had freshly squeezed orange juice
The boyfriend had a full English breakfast, he didn’t want black pudding (ugh!) or mushrooms (also ugh!) but they wouldn’t give him anything else in its place like extra bacon so that was a bit of a let down if you don’t enjoy eating congealed blood, which he doesn’t.
I, on the other hand, tried some eggs benedict which was absolutely lovely. I hadn’t had it before and it really did taste very nice. I thought it was all priced quite reasonably too.

Thanks Mum!

My mummy dearest sent the boyfriend and I an M & S voucher as a treat for our recent move. Here’s all the goodies we got…..
Garlic bread
A chargrilled vegetable pasta melt (errr… it has vegetables in it, that means it’s healthy…ish)
A side salad (definite healthy points!)
Profiterole mousses (maybe not quite so many healthy points…)
And some pear cider… which I was forced to buy to be patriotic because they have union jacks on
Yummerz, thanks Mum!

Fashion Hater

I’ll be the first to admit it – I’m a fashion hater.

I don’t buy any magazines with hot fashion tips, I’d much rather shop easily online and (within reason) I prefer comfort over looks. Every time I go into shops they have horde of  fashionable-for-five minutes items that I just can’t bring myself to buy (unless it’s in Primark in which case, all bets are off). Imagine my surprise when I actually successfully bought some items this last weekend that have been delivered today……. OK OK they were online, I TRIED going into the shops on the high street but it was very traumatic.

Hurrah for patterns and also, one of the tops the boyfriend bought me because he was too lazy to do the washing up so we had an exchange! Score for me!
Also lastly, a big thumbs down for Next, I tried on like 3 t shirts, just regular t shirts and the material was such poor quality you could see through it!! Viva Marks & Spencer!