Housing Hell

We’ve been looking for a place to rent lately (being members of generation rent) and it has just been impossible to rent anywhere a) that allows cats b) that has off road parking or c) that isn’t hideous.

Yarmouth and Gorleston have some really very ugly properties… take a look at this gem. In what century was this mad baked bean medallion carpet ever a good idea? I rang to see if the landlord intended on changing it before new tenants came in but apparently no, the carpet is in very good condition the landlord said, and I suppose for an antique it is. Although if we liked we could recarpet the entire property at our expense… aha… no.


Words fail me for this monstrosity.


I’m becoming concerned that we might have to live in my car if we don’t find some place soon. Or I’ll have to start lying about having cats and hiding them for house inspections which I don’t particularly want to do. One landlord said we could rent his house with cats if we replaced all the underlay and carpeting when we left… we declined. Will we ever find anywhere?!?!

Orange Is The New Black

Ohhhhhemmmmgeeeeee Orange is the New Black season 3 is out!! Ahhhhh!


Kimberly and I had a take out Netflix fest to celebrate.

I even got a chocolate and vanilla swirl to celebrate.



You guys… season 3… it’s so good I want to pace myself watching it…

  Look How Shiny

Do you remember the ring I took to the jewellers?

All wonky and dirty?

Well I picked it up today… no longer on the wonk.

And look how clean! So shinnnyyyyyy. And only £20 to get it good as new again.

In other news I’ve reached a new age milestone… It had been about 4 plus years since I last got my eyes tested, so I went a few months ago and it turned out I had a prescription, not a strong one, but just for reading. The optician said I didn’t have to get glasses as I was managing fine without, but I noticed myself squinting at small text when I’m tired. The other day when I was driving and it was dusk I noticed (although when its fully dark it’s ok?) and at work when I was feeling tired I couldn’t read stuff on a screen from a small distance. Ugh!  Reading glasses… like an old person. Very sad. Next it’ll be grey hairs and then what! So I went to an opticians to try on some frames today and came to the conclusion I look terrible in glasses. Anyways I didn’t like any of them and they were all designer and well over £100. I don’t see why I should have to be old and poor in one sitting so I didn’t get any until wandering around Primark afterwards I spotted a section for reading glasses! Huzzah! I tried on every single style they had and then, because the prescription isn’t actually that strong I wasn’t entirely sure if they worked. So I ambled round Primark squinting at handbag labels first with my eyes, second with the glasses on, testing the glasses. I’m quite sure people though I was mad but I settled on this pair of glasses for £2! Now that is more my budget, and I’m not worried about breaking or losing them.

I blame my parents, they both wear reading glasses. For years my mum had these big hideous Deirdre Barlow glasses (google image “Deirdre Barlow 80’s”) and my dad wears tiny spindly Albus Dumbledore glasses which he shares with his horrible wife. But that aside, the rest of my day was nice, Kim and I had a chinese food fest whilst watching Homeland on Netflix.