New Shoes – Finally!

As previously mentioned I am hideously unfashionable. I have been searching for pump shoes like this for aaages, could I find any? No. But yesterday I conquered and got some!
Too Jazzy?
I was actually shopping for some new tops so really I failed dismally. Stay tuned for an update on the dieting *spoiler* I’ve been rather rubbish.

Sooooooooo Ugly

I thought I’d be a good little student and purchase some sensible shoes suitable for nursing placements before actually starting placements so there wasn’t the inevitable last minute rush. They have to be flat (obviously), black, cover your whole foot and wipeable would really be best! A friend of mine started her degree earlier this year and recommended a pair that most people have and then I double checked on some nursing forums… yup most people really do have them…. ugh they’re sooooo hideously ugly.
And remember this is the photo making them look nice, they’re even worse on me! But are they comfy? You know it! What an old lady I am.

Clarks Magic Step Shoes

I was thinking the other day, about some school shoes I used to have, they were black leather with a buckle and with them came a gold plastic key, and you could use the key to turn a picture that showed in the sole of the shoe. Maybe it was a flower?
And can I find a photo of them? I cannot, just 80s white shoes, these were definitely a 90s pair. All the girls used to wear their keys round their necks. Google, you have failed me.