Royal Wedding

Kim is a big fan of the royal family so after a bit of a heavy one the previous night with a colleague I found myself getting up at 6am with her to watch the nuptials.

Then we continued the royal theme with afternoon tea at Mrs Bridges Pantry – a British themed tea room about 45 minutes away.

Mrs Bridges Pantry is tiny so you have book tables. I heard a couple of English accents there but it was mostly Americans. One group of American women had dressed up and wore fancy hats.

They had a set menu to celebrate that started with curried zucchini (courgette) soup, I thought this sounded a bit weird but it was delish.

And then all sorts of little bites.

After that we browsed some shops on the way home including Family Dollar which is a bit like a weirder version of Pound Land only everything has different prices. I was tempted by such goods as Primates of the Caribbean.

A cushion to annoy the wife with.

And home drug tests for pot. All necessary stuff.

I’ve been trying out some different gyms the past couple of weeks.

One that has the slogan ‘Fitness for the human race’… I mean what else would want to use the gym if not humans? Also, nothing that isn’t human would be able to read the sign anyway so it’s obsolete, if any horses come in to use the treadmill they’d still need to be redirected. Did human resources just used to be called ‘resources’ until a gorilla applied for a job so they changed it? More research needed.

Shopping In America

Today is Labor Day in the good old US of A and Kimmy is at work so I thought I’d tell you about a subject I’ve been thinking about writing about since I got here and saw this on my first trip to the grocery store: a cup holder. A cup holder on the shopping trolley cart… is this necessary in life? I’ve since perused many a grocery store here and know that no, it is not necessary but why let that stop us? Now the important thing to remember is that you must never say ‘supermarket’ because there is nothing super about it, the grocery stores here are TINY compared to the ones I’m used to in the UK (I thought everything here was supposed to be bigger!). And the off licences (or package stores as they say in Connecticut) are thriving because the alcohol section in the grocery stores is extremely limited. Basically all the grocery stores are akin to shopping in a Tesco Metro.

There are Aldi stores still and they’re pretty similar to the ones in the UK but that’s the only brand I’ve found that’s the same. Our local shop (which we don’t usually do a big shop at) is called Highland Park Market and it’s a family owned small grocery chain (another thing you don’t see often in the UK). It’s a little more expensive but it’s quite sweet because after they pack your bags the staff insist on carrying your shopping out to your car. When I say ‘insist’, I mean insist – I tried to tell the guy last time that I could manage myself and he said “Oh no ma’am, we have to” and he even put my shopping trolley cart away afterwards, all whilst wearing a twee little old fashioned apron. So it isn’t all bad, just different. Also I now get to enjoy bizarre branding such as the seafood company ‘chicken of the sea’ (they sell no chicken). No one else finds this hilarious but me.

Fruit and vegetables are a lot cheaper however none of it ever has expiration dates on it so you have to eat it almost immediately because who knows if it’ll go off or not? I really miss expiration dates from the UK. Other things are more expensive, usually completely strange things like washing up sponges. I had to pay almost $3 for a pack of 3 washing up sponges to do the dishes with the other day, they’re about 17 pence in Asda! Why are sponges so expensive of all things? Some things like cereal there is way too much to choose from, whole aisles full of cereal yet only one type of sellotape and it isn’t sellotape it’s some shitty scotch tape that’s minute yet still inexplicably costs more than 6 rolls of sellotape does in the UK. Another thing is that Americans are curiously misinformed about things that are ‘English’, take this cheese for instance. My mother in law asked if I would pick her up some ‘old English cheddar’ from the store… since when is English cheddar cheese spreadable and in a jar??? There is something unnatural about this… I had to call Kim to make sure that this was definitely what her mom wanted because it does not look appetising.

In fact the cheese selection is completely different, I still have yet to find any Stilton sadly however I suppose this does allow to try new brands (so continues my obsession with Amish people). There is no Marmite or squash (the drink) either.

I have discovered some secrets whilst shopping though – you know these cups that people have for parties? In almost all American movies and tv shows where there is a party Americans always have red cups, always red. Why is this? Because I found out that they sell them in other colours! As I took this photo a frat boy came up and selected some red cups… it’s a conspiracy.

There’s other differences too like with the packaging, it’s more likely to contain helpful recipe suggestions than in England which is nice. The packaging often has advice on it too… I assume for idiots. This is from a packet of raw chicken breasts.

This warning came in the nick of time as I almost cooked my garlic bread in the plastic bag… phew. I like how they highlighted it in red… twice, just to be sure. Bless them. I enjoy pointing these things out to Kim but she doesn’t really think it’s funny, she just thinks I’m weird.

Other things that I’m not used to is tobacco adverts on signs like outside gas stations and they still have all the packs on display. It hasn’t been legal to advertise tobacco in the UK for my entire lifetime so that’s a little bit strange.

Also seeing guns on display to buy in a sports shop… a bit strange. They seem so lax with them, none of them were locked away, no one was even at this desk I could have just gone and picked one up off the shelf! Scary stuff.

Shopping in clothes stores etc is mostly the same except the sizes are slightly different and all the shop assistants look happy. I find this a little unnerving. They like to harrass you as soon as you step foot in the shop (Hey how are you, what are we looking for today?) but in fairness they do that a lot in the UK now too. Also getting money ready at the cash desk is impossible because all the prices displayed are displayed without tax added on so instead of being politely prepared to pay I have to faff about because all the money is bloody identical. A couple of times when change is required I just shove a fistful at the cashier for them to pick out and explain that I’m not used to their coins yet but no one seems to mind so far… or if they do they’re too busy pretending to be cheery to say. This sign confused me the other day when I went shopping for new work clothes and was trying to locate the ladies section. I saw the sign saying ‘chaps’ and just assumed they were trying to be trendy and that was the mens section, off I popped only to find another sign saying ‘chaps’ with women on it… what is this madness?!?

Anyways, that’s been my shopping adventures so far, sorry for boring you all!



Christmas Preparations

My Christmas preparations have been rather shoddy this year due to me being on placement until this week and also working and so I have failed dreadfully on such things as Christmas cards.
Pussycat and I have been keeping the tree watered though and our decorations arrived by post, hurrah.
And the advent calendar has being going strong. When I have a 12 hour shift this is what gives my very early morning a slight lift.
So this week I finally did some Christmas shopping, I got in super early and asked the boyfriend to drop me off one his way to work. This of course meant that the shops were not quite open and I was forced to eat a delicious breakfast.
And then, I struck, I was the first one in and out of all the shops, look at the emptiness – glorious!
I trundled along happily and when it started to get busy around 11ish, out of the city I popped off home. Brilliant.
This is the future of Christmas shopping. In other news one of the previous occupants of our house has been sending us christmas presents by accident, so far we have been sent a game for people called Richard, The Hobbit on DVD and also a book about the game show Pointless…. all I can say is that I think we have saved someone from some mediocre gifts this Christmas. Also due to the digital age of information stealing the invoices included with each order have no information for which to contact the actual owner of these gifts! I wonder what we’ll be sent by mistake next. A week ago I was at home and a delivery driver dropped me off one of these –
Very sadly he realised his mistake, brought us the correct package and building work was unable to commence haha.

Es Cana

We’d heard about a boat cruise from Portinatx where my Mum, Sister and I were staying to Es Cana where there was large hippy market on a Wednesday.
So we got a ticket and walked down stairs of death to a rocky outcrop which was a health and safety inspector’s nightmare and waited for the boat. There was much jostling and queue pushing and there were a few seats on the main part of the boat and empty seats right at the front of the boat near the helm. Well… to say the water was choppy was an understatement, we got absolutely soaked (it was hot though so it was ok – also I was behind my Sister so she got sprayed with the majority of the sea water haha). However, because it was so choppy everyone at the main part of the ship got really sea sick (including the queue pushers!); there was much passing around of paper bags but everyone at the front of the boat was fine. The sailors told us that the front was the best part to sit at to avoid sickness, so really we had good seats by luck. Also they sang us a song too which we danced in our seats too (we aren’t a serious family).  My Mum had to protect all our bags and phones and stuff as she sat at the back of us and she put them under her top, the sailors didn’t speak a lot of English but they had a good laugh and said to her “Baby!” which just made me burst into laughter.
We stepped off at Es Cana to explore but first we all fancied a drink so we stopped off at this open air place that served food and drinks and had a pool and stuff and places to lounge. We only wanted iced coffees so we just parked up. Goodness me they were pushy, there was a sign outside that said come and use our pool (not that we wanted to; we hadn’t bought swimsuits) everyone welcome. As soon as we got in we discovered you had to pay to use the pool and there were some lounging beds to the side you also had to pay to use – 30 euros!!! I don’t what kind of person agrees to pay that but more fool them.
Then it was off to the Hippy Market, a huge labyrinth of stalls that reeked of incense and dreadlocks.
It was packed with other tourists like ourselves but also locals, a lot of the things were expensive I thought but I suppose that’s the same wherever you go that other tourists go too.
Lots of the stalls sold crafted things that I assume the people had hand made like jewellery and clothing.
And… you know… other more traditional hippy goods…
There weren’t just stalls and food,, there was lots of people playing music and performing – like this ornate fellow here.
And of course the obligatory floating people I saw in Rome (I looked up how they were doing it this time).
My Mum took a look at some of the clothes but they were all pretty expensive. We noticed that all of the sellers that were Spanish had high prices and wouldn’t budge on them but all the sellers that weren’t Spanish and had obviously moved there would haggle every time and so they had prices that were more reasonable so we just bought everything from them instead.
After a spot of lunch and a good deal more bargain hunting we headed back to the boat but luckily it wasn’t so choppy on the way back. We decided to move right to back whilst others clamoured to get to the front and I think I even had a little snooze at one point (it was a long journey!). We noticed some people that were there on the way there weren’t there on the way back, they’d opted to spend a fortune on a taxi rather than face the paper bags again haha.

Ibiza Town

After a little snorkel (in which my mask kept leaking – I think my face must be an odd shape!) and a swim and sunbathe we decided to do a spot of shopping one day.
The weather was better than it had been but we braved the bus to Ibiza Town.
It was pretty nice there, the weather was hotter too so we set out to explore.
We kept to the port and stuck to the old town.
It was really pretty to walk round.
Everywhere there were boutique shops and stalls and cafes.
It was touristy and a bit hippy but it was interesting.
All the walkways were decorated, it was really different.
This was all fine until we went to take a taxi back to the bus station and there were none to be had and then chaos ensued. But we did eventually get back – phew!

Til You Drop

I had a little mini shop yesterday before getting my hair cut. First to the Disney store…
I’m fed up of the boyfriend stealing my tinker-bell and pink ice cream beaker cups so I decided to buy some his and hers beaker cups so we could be matchy-matchy
Then next to Accessorize to spend my vouchers I got from work…
I got a new handbag and a wallet
In other news, pussy cat has made a new enemy… ginger cat

Review – Body Shop Vitamin E Moisture Serum

As you may have established, I’m not much of a girly girl and as such my beauty regime is pretty much non-existant. The thought of plastering my face in foundation and caking make up on over that is not a welcome one and so usually if it’s not eye liner, I’m not wearing it. I have however found a moisturiser I really like and as I just bought some more with a gift voucher I got for Christmas from my Uncle, I thought I’d share.
It’s the Body Shop Vitamin E Moisture Serum and it goes on really quickly and easily and what I love most about it is that it’s not thick and I don’t feel like it clogs up my pores. It also goes into my skin really quickly – I hate it when you think, oh I’ll be good and moisturise and then no matter how little you seem to put on you’re slightly sticky for the next hour or so. There are other products that go with it I think like a night cream and a moisture cream to go over the serum but you know – that’s clearly not going to happen haha.
Anyways, if you’re a hater of sticky heavy moisturisers, this ones a keeper and is yours from the Body Shop for a tenner. Bargain.

Time To Get Organised

It’s 3 weeks and 3 days until I leave my lovely job and start university and with that in mind I decided I absolutely must buy a new academic diary because I’ve been so used to using my calendar on the email system at work to organise my life that there’s no way I can manage with none. I did briefly consider storing all my things on my iPhone calendar but after the fiasco where my last iPhone took an unfortunate swim in the Cretan sea and died, I decided against it. I settled on this one from Paperchase.
Little bit patriotic and the days are set out how I like them.
Now I just have to fill it with birthdays and dates etc! Fun times.

Fashion Hater

I’ll be the first to admit it – I’m a fashion hater.

I don’t buy any magazines with hot fashion tips, I’d much rather shop easily online and (within reason) I prefer comfort over looks. Every time I go into shops they have horde of  fashionable-for-five minutes items that I just can’t bring myself to buy (unless it’s in Primark in which case, all bets are off). Imagine my surprise when I actually successfully bought some items this last weekend that have been delivered today……. OK OK they were online, I TRIED going into the shops on the high street but it was very traumatic.

Hurrah for patterns and also, one of the tops the boyfriend bought me because he was too lazy to do the washing up so we had an exchange! Score for me!
Also lastly, a big thumbs down for Next, I tried on like 3 t shirts, just regular t shirts and the material was such poor quality you could see through it!! Viva Marks & Spencer!