No New News

So Kim and I haven’t been up to much, just working working working… and getting taxed taxed taxed. I picked up my visa from the courier finally and I booked my flight so I leave the UK on the 9th July.

It’s pretty flimsy looking, it’s just a sticker on one page of my passport, there isn’t much to it. I’ve been selling some of my stuff in preparation for the big move, the kitties have assisted. They’re booked on a flight mid June however the new house that Kim has been buying keeps getting the closing date pushed back because of the crappy sellers. We are now meant to be closing tomorrow which is the fourth date we have been given but there are still outstanding things which the seller hasn’t done AND in the mean time the house may have gone into foreclosure because they haven’t been paying their mortgage (ugh!) so who knows when we will actually get the keys – what a disaster.

Other than that I have mainly been living as a vampire on night shift (being nocturnal not sucking blood), last night I met up with my lovely Russian buddy Anastasia for a catch up and we were on the watch for the army in Norwich (after the latest terrorist attack) but we didn’t see any soldiers. A couple of weeks ago I saw my friends from uni too which is a feat in itself as we all work shift jobs. We went for a nice meal and afterwards got coffees at Franks Bar where we discovered a drawer in one of the tables that people had filled with notes. We read through them all until Sarah discovered a Polaroid of someone’s butt… then we decided to stop because she felt “unclean”.

So nothing exciting really, less than a month until my little family getaway with my mum and brother and sister, my dear chum Crissy is back visiting from Australia soon and has kindly offered to take me to the airport (fool that she is). I still haven’t organised to ship my boxes to the states yet :/ and I also need to book a road trip in to see my great aunt before I leave. I offered to see my dad before I went but as always he seems supremely uninterested and said he was working abroad a lot. They should put that on his tombstone instead of “loving father” he could just have “worked a lot”. Anyway time for a nap as later tonight I’ll be working a lot.