May Days

Happy Sunday readers, I am currently living in mad visa hell and haven’t been up to a whole bunch. It was little Barclay heart head’s 8th birthday. As he gets older I have been investigating cloning options for him and thinking of starting a go fund me page to raise the thousands. I’m holding out he’ll live well into his 20s.

Some work mates and I had a bingo outing a couple weeks ago, and as is my usual bingo style I cursed us all and no one won anything. Obviously.

But I did enjoy some very reasonably priced carrot cake… so that’s a bonus.

My boss had a big party last week for her 50th which was good fun although I think lots of my colleagues felt like this afterwards…

Tasha and I needed a big breakfast the next day.

And then a couple days ago a few uni friends and I went to the spa at Dunston Hall (A stately looking manor place turned hotel) because I found a Groupon voucher (I love a bargain) so that was very nice and we had some lunch together after our fingers had turned pruney.

Kim has sent off the USA visa (we gave up on the expensive UK one as we would have to move to the USA eventually because of Kim’s mammoth student loan) so that will take a long old time. I’m thinking of switching from my lovely permanent job (sob) to a temping agency style job so I can visit a lot whilst we wait. We shall see…

Broads On The Broads

I haven’t been posting much recently because life hasn’t had many adventures in store for me of late. Kim’s visa to move here got denied and so now it’s looking like instead of her coming to England I’ll be going to America. Until then I’m home alone with Barclay and Bunny, the kitties, and more often than not fairly bored.

I did however have a fun outing with my friends to Wroxham last week, when Sarah had the very good idea to rent out a day boat. We purchased picnic supplies, 2 loaves of bread for the ducks and a sailor hat (vital for all maritime voyages) and found a hut in Wroxham by the water where a friendly bearded man (who we decided to name Captain Bob) instructed us on how to sail a boat. Sail? Hmm.. it had no sails… maybe I mean drive a boat? …Operate a boat. Now he was talking a lot about ports and bows and starboards and getting stern but Nancy and Sarah had no clue and my seafaring knowledge relates directly to a games of port starboard played at Brownies and sailing trips with my dad from the 90s where I was primarily concerned with the whistle on my life jacket and avoiding the boon.

Either way we set off, we had the rule that whoever was behind the wheel must wear the sailor hat, we fed the ducks and energetically waved at all passing boats… some of whom ignored us. Rude.

We had a great time, we saw ducks and goslings and all sorts of wildlife. I even livened things up a bit by driving over large bits of tree in the water when attempting to keep the boat stationary (an impossible feat!).

We encountered two boats on a stag do all dressed as pirates who were continually crashing into each other and throwing things at one another… we let them over take funnily enough.

We all liked snooping on the back gardens of all the homes that faced the broads, and we saw 2 herons!

Either that or it was the same heron who was extremely photogenic.

When we got back Nancy reverse bay parked the boat, we were all so impressed and to this day she does not know how she did it. Amazing.