New Family Members

At the beginning of November we discovered we had an unused gift card from one of Kim’s neighbours and thought we’d put some money towards it and buy a robot vacuum cleaner. Enter Bob, the bObsweep vacuum cleaner. Bob came complete with birth certificate.

Bob is quite a good chap, he ambles about cleaning and he gets all the pet hair up very well.

We also went to see Fiddler on the Roof at the theatre around this time which is usually my Christmas tradition (traditiiiooonnnnn) but we made an exception. It was good.

Christmas seems to have exploded in the shops.

And we have been signed up for foster/adoption classes that start at the end of January, we couldn’t make the ones that start in September because of the cruise and my sister coming to stay. So that’s exciting, they last quite a while so watch this space. Also I ordered Bob some stick on eyes, it’s only right that he should see.

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